Sunday, August 19, 2012

This planned life

Last week I spent Tuesday in Canberra and went to the Reading Room at the National Library for the afternoon. It is an amazing room and the minute you walk in you feel inspired to work and create.

I made a plan for my ‘book’ and was surprised by the ideas that popped into my head. My characters now have a back story and I have figured out lots of storylines for them.

I am a planner. I make plans for everything but the two areas I do no planning in are studying and writing. They fit in around procrastinating of which I am an expert.

A couple of weeks ago my first exercise for semester two came in and I needed to create a PowerPoint presentation. I had never done this before and to stop my panicking about it I sat down and planned what I wanted each slide to say. It worked and when it came time to create the presentation it all came together beautifully.

My goal for this week is to create writing and study plans and promise myself I will stick to them.

Are you a planner? Do you stick to the plans you make?

I haven’t read anything other than Twitter and wherever the tweets lead me this week. I did, however, bring home four books from the library. Time to log off Twitter and read a book!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Time to set some more goals

I have been inspired by the fabulous women I have been following on Twitter and have gone through stories I had written over the years and found some which can be used in my ‘book’.

Last week we bumped into some friends and over coffee talked about my dream of writing. I came home that day and wrote up some of the conversation we had. It turned into nearly a chapter! Wow, if I can do that after one coffee I need to do a JK Rowling and write in the cafes around town.

Everyone is talking about the Olympics and all the athletes who compete have their dream, set their goals and go for it. I have my dream and am working on setting myself small step-by-step goals and will go for it.

Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty is the only book I have read in a while as I have been doing a lot of 'research' on Twitter.