Sunday, September 11, 2011

A special treat

Last Monday Lorraine and I went in to Canberra and had a most luxurious day. We had been given gift vouchers for a massage and facial and oh what a treat!

The massage was wonderful and the facial was heavenly. After our two hours of bliss we went downstairs to lunch. There was a motel across the road and we did consider booking in for a nap!

We don't often allow ourselves these luxuries but the effect of those few hours has lasted the week. I feel much more relaxed and have handled a busy, tiring week much better than usual.

It is too easy to get caught up in all the things we do in our lives and not take the time to smell the roses. It need not be a day out but just a few minutes sitting in the sun, wandering around the garden, reading a good book for a while - a break in the routine.

Lorraine and I have promised each other we will do this again in six months time and I can't wait!

I am working my way through Harriet Evans' books. I am having a break from murder and mayhem and back where I am most comfortable - family/friends sagas! I will get back to other genres but for now I need my 'women's literature'.